Friday, January 31, 2014

Motherhood:Part II

Few days back I had a post on my Facebook page. It read as below:

Many a times, I feel totally irritated sitting with kids and helping them in their studies. My patience is at its peak when any of them takes a longer time to understand any concept. I get upset while I am at it but when I tuck them in bed at night, I feel terribly guilty...feel like a monster mom for not handling the things properly.'s like an emotional turbulence within me. As Moms, are you girls facing the same or it's just me???

Yes, I meant every word of it. I am feeling that I am losing out on something. I am feeling that my patience levels are suddenly dropping. I have a feeling that I am turning into an insane and oblivious human being.a Monster Mom!

Kids are growing up and so are my duties and accountabilities as their Mother. They are no longer nappy-happy broods. Their interests are mounting beyond my judgements. Their hobbies are altering with each fleeting moment. Their vocabulary is sky scorching every minute. Their reactions, retorts, jargon, lingo and ever fluctuating moodstheir inquisitiveness, their exasperation and their outlook makes me brood over whether I am sinking in my futile efforts in coping up with their intensifying sensibilities.

All this strongly makes me believe that I am entering a second phase of this journey called Motherhood. Kids want to be treated as one of usmore specifically as Adults. They demand that their opinions be considered while taking any decisions involving them. Their privacy be respected, their choices be honoured and most importantly they be treated with lots and lots of esteem. 

Things are really changingor should I say they're already changed beyond ones imagination. Until I was well past my schooling, I just dont recall a single thing bought for me entirely by my choicewell, my mom always had a final say in what I would wear, which colour would suit my personality the best, what hairstyle will look good for my face cut or even whether I should participate in events at school or not. Well, today, I am being informed that a certain kind of dress is on the next to-shop list, a crave for a McD meal over weekend or even where to go for the vacations. Whoa! All the innovation in the technology, the remarkable progress man has made over these years and the exposure these kids have today is finally taking a toll on Mothersthats the final word!

So, heres to all those brilliant Moms out there who are screaming their guts out to ensure a childhood their kids will always be proud rock, Babe! Nothing and no one can beat what you do! 

Sharing here some wonderful quotes I found on Google..... :-)

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